Sunday, November 20, 2011

Decorating For Just Cents

I am the king of hitting Christmas clearance to get a deal on stuff to use in the future.  I may not use it for a year or two but you had better believe I'll use it someday.  I don't often buy much when it is only 50-70% off.  I like to get it when it's 75% off or more.  Here are a few steals I've gotten when I grab things that everyone else has left behind.

I got these sets from Target. They were still on the shelf at 90% off. I paid $0.50 a piece for them. I knew that I was going to use purple and light blue in 2011 so they were a steal.  Plus, you can never have enough silver and gold to add to any other color scheme..  Ornaments this small are perfect for filling glassware and other containers.

I have seperated all the pieces by color so that I can take each color to the room that it's intended for.  It saves me tons of times from sorting when I start to decorate.  I don't need any silver in the room where I'm decorating with purple.  Why add to the clutter by sorting it while using it?

I grabbed these at Dollar General for $0.20 each.  Again...small ornaments make great filler.  I used these little gold balls with the little purple as filler for my Wine/Tuscan scheme in the kitchen.  Even better...the container I filled was a wine glass.  It's the perfect accessory in the room!

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