Friday, September 23, 2011

Go Ahead...Wine A Little

I've been holding on to a pile of old wine corks for a while now.  I finally decided that it was time to get some use out of them.  My kitchen is decorated throughout the year with items I purchased while on a tour in Italy.  I've always thought of trying to include some sort of Tuscan or wine theme into my kitchen Christmas decor but have yet to actually do so.  I decided that it was time to pull those wine corks out of the basement and put them to good use.

I made some very unique ornaments with some simple craft supplies and wine corks.  Most of the supplies needed for this project were already in the boxes of stuff I keep from past handmade Christmas endeavors.  The possibilities are endless with the types of ornaments you can make.  Be creative and use beads, tassels, paint, colored wire, etc. 

Not only are these great to place on your tree or garlands but you can also tie them on to gifts and throw them around the neck of a wine bottle.  Make them for yourself and make a few to share.  These will definitely be a hit on your tree or when given to friends.

How To Make Wine Cork Ornaments

Wine Corks
Thin Ribbon
Jewelry Pins & Rings
Needle Nose Pliers
Darning Needle

For Tassel Ornament
1. Drill a hole through the cork
2. Slide any desired beading on the cord of the tassel.
3. Cut a piece of ribbon and thread it down through the cork using darning needle
          You may need to use the pliers to grab and pull the needle through
4. Run the ribbon through the looped cord of the tassel
5. Thread the ribbon back up through the cork, allowing you to pull the tassel cord through
6. Slide any desired beading onto the ribbon (beading for the top of the cork)
7. Knot ribbon to the top bead, anchoring the tassel onto the cork
8. Knot loose ends of the ribbon to form the hanger opening for the ornament
9. Trim excess ribbon

For Beaded Ornament
1. Drill a whole through the cork to be used when threading ribbon for the hanger
2. Thread a single bead onto a jewelry pin
3. With pliers, clip excess pin, giving just enough pin to push into the cork
4. Push bead and pin into the outside edge the cork, securing the bead to the cork.
5. Repeat this step to fill the outside of the cork as you desire
6. Place desired beads for ornament tail onto a jewelry pin
7. Gently poke the beaded pin into the bottom of the cork
8. Cut a piece of ribbon and thread through the hole drilled for the hanger
9. Knot loose ends of the ribbon to form the hanger opening for the ornament
10. Trim excess ribbon

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