Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Plastics...Cheaper & Easier Storage

I am no stranger to the fact that Christmas ornaments can be really expensive.  There are however ways to decorate that are cost effective.  My trees are loaded with ornaments but a large amount of those ornaments are what I call "filler" ornaments.  These are plastic ornaments that are sold in big packs for a decent price.  It's even better if you can get these packs on clearance after the holidays.

These ornaments packs come in multiple shapes, sizes, colors, etc.  There may be a few pieces in a pack that you aren't in love with (say the Santa boot shaped ornament in the box pictured below).  If the price it right, you can pitch the four you hate in the box and still have a good quanity left to use as filler. 

These ornaments are really easy to store because they aren't as fragile as glass and don't need to be wrapped before being packed away for the year.  I store my plastic filler ornaments in the pop-together bankers boxes.  They stack well and are really easy to get into by simply removing the lid.  I sort these in the boxes by color (which I write on the box) so that I can easily pull the color I need for the tree I'm working on. 

I start decorating my trees with the more expensive, more decorative ornaments (which I never buy unless on sale or with coupons) and then I grab my box of filler ornaments and start to fill the rest of the tree.  These ornaments are also perfect for filling in any bare spots on garlands and wreaths or any empty places throughout the room.  If your tv console needs a little Christmas love, grab a glass container or bowl and fill it with your filler ornaments. space is safe from decor at Christmas.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog and getting ideas/tips.

    Here in TN they tell you not to store things in cardboard as the brown recluse spiders love to hide in card board....I'm gradually replacing all my banker boxes for plastic bins. It is crazy in the south!!!!! I miss the Midwest :)
