Sunday, September 25, 2011

Holiday Pinwheel Ornaments & Accents

Pinwheels are very easy to make and can be used in numerous places when decorating for Christmas (or any holiday for that matter).  I make them in various sizes and out of various different kinds of paper.  My most favorite paper medium is vellum.  On this particular pinwheel I used vellum that I had run through a copy machine, printed with Christmas carols.

My finished pinwheels go all over the house.  I'll punch a hole in some and attach them to the tree as ornaments, hook a wire to the back and hook them to a wreath or garlands on the mantle and over windows.  I will also set them into a centerpiece. 

Your paper creative.
Paper fastener
Hammer and small nail (I used a utility knife)

How to make your pinwheel

1. Cut your paper into a perfect square.

2. Fold your square of paper along the diagonal and then unfold it. Fold the square again along the other diagonal and unfold again. Your paper will now have a visible "X" from the folding.

3. Measure approximately 2 inches out from the center along each crease and make a mark with your pencil (see the example below).

4. Make four holes near the corners of your square as those shown below with the black dots. Be careful not to make your holes too large.  You may use a nail...I used a utility knife and made a simply cut.

5. You will also need to make a hole in the very center of the square.

6. From each corner of the square, cut down along the crease with the scissors until you reach your pencil mark.

7. Poke your paper fastener through the underside hole on one corner of your square.  Fold that corner in towards the center hole.

8. Grab the next corner, fold it towards the center hole and poke the fastener through.  Do this step for all the remaining corners

9. Once all of your corners are connected by the fastener, push the fastener through the center hole and spread the prongs to hold your pinwheel in place.

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